Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Going monochromatic

Hello 2017. Yes, in October, I know.

So you may have noticed that I haven’t posted a single thing on this here blog this whole year. There are at least three reasons for that; firstly, in between relocating, graduating and starting a new job which entails writing daily, I reached a point where all I wanted to do with my spare time was rest and not ‘hustle’. While I obviously love writing, I feel that writing for a living can sometimes stunt my creativity outside of the 9-5 space. 
Secondly, being in Cape Town has meant that my camera roll is no longer short of aesthetics and looks. However, as someone who actually values bogging as a craft, I think merely posting those pictures on here would just undermine blogging, so instead I just post those (not all) on Instagram. 
Lastly, I also channelled some of my bigger ideas for fashion columns into the work I do for SA Fashion Handbook, so I had to ask myself countless times; “what else could I possibly offer to my blog audience?” Videos? But those require shooting and hours of editing (which I no longer have).

So after not being able to answer this question, I figured that perhaps that I should just do this for myself. It’s my blog after all and if the content I put on here helps you understand my love for fashion & beauty better, then that’s good enough for me.

I will therefore make an effort to post twice a month on here. I say two because I like to work on research-heavy content, as it helps me learn while I share with others too. After all, a critical analysis of anything cannot be written in one sitting. 

I have also left my old posts on here; not only as a means of tracking my own growth, but because I have also addressed things which I think may still be somewhat relevant in the industry. 

And finally, thank you to the 4 ladies who encouraged me to keep working on A-cups and saw potential in it. I hope you enjoy the fortnightly scoops.

Images: Authoric (for their Beauty series)

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